
June/July Update with David Saldivar

June/July Update 2024
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Published on:
August 1, 2024

In our latest newsletter, David shares insights from his trip to Southeast Asia, highlighting God’s work and the need for more missionary training and resources.


🌏 Incredible journey in Southeast Asia witnessing God's movement.

🙏 Mission-minded leaders dedicated to the Great Commission.

📖 Need for more training resources for spreading the gospel.

🌾 Thousands of missionary leaders are needed for India's villages.

💻 Rapid growth of the online training program.

🌍 Three active cohorts training leaders on different continents.

🤝 Gratitude for support in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Key Insights

🌟 Witnessing God's Movement: David experienced firsthand how God is actively working in Southeast Asia, emphasizing the importance of being present in the mission field. This involvement strengthens faith and commitment.

💡 Commitment to the Great Commission: The mission-minded leaders he met are dedicated to spreading God's glory, highlighting the collective responsibility of believers to share their faith.

📈 Need for Resources: The demand for training resources is critical, as many leaders lack the tools to effectively spread the gospel, indicating a gap that needs to be addressed.

🌍 Harvest Field in India: With over 465,000 villages in India without a Christian presence, there is a significant call to action for more missionary leaders to engage in these areas.

📚 Growth of Online Training: The exponential growth of the online training program reflects God's blessing and the global desire for effective training in missional leadership.

🌐 Global Cohorts: With cohorts on three continents, the program is successfully equipping Indigenous leaders, showcasing the power of technology in mission training.

🙌 Community Support: The success of these initiatives relies heavily on the support and prayers of the community, illustrating the importance of collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission.

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