Dive deep into our comprehensive training materials, crafted from years of on-field experience, ensuring you're equipped with knowledge that works.

Benefit from personalized small group sessions with experts who've been in your shoes, ensuring you're never alone in your journey.

Join a network of leaders from around the world. Share experiences, challenges, and successes, and join the mission.
Immerse yourself in the philosophy of The Keystone Project. Our training is not just about methods or strategies; it's a deep dive into a way of thinking that prioritizes mission over structures and emphasizes the Spirit-led nature of genuine movements.
With the knowledge acquired, initiate your disciple-making movement. This isn't a step-by-step strategy; it's an organic approach that values visionary training and coaching. Our team stands with you, guiding and facilitating successful implementation.
As you multiply disciples, new apostolic leaders will emerge who will begin new redemptive communities, expanding God’s kingdom into the most unreached regions.

The Keystone Project is a global network of churches and leaders who are committed to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We train leaders and other students to launch movements of disciples making disciples by the power of the Holy Spirit, especially among unreached people groups. Our training focuses outside the confines of church buildings and programs and, instead, seeks to reach the lost through Spirit-led, missional discipleship.
Our vision: The Keystone Project exists to glorify God by multiplying Spirit-transformed followers of Jesus Christ in every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.
Our mission: The Keystone Project identifies, trains, and coaches leaders to launch movements of disciples making disciples in every nation on earth.
Our trainings are open to all Christians who are willing to be radically challenged by the Great Commission, whether they are church leaders or new believers. We are looking for Christians who want to be missionaries, regardless of ministry position. This training is for those who are willing to reach outside the comfort and security of their churches and lay down their lives for the unreached.
The Keystone Project training focuses on launching disciple-making movements and the emergence of healthy, multiplying churches from the lives of committed disciples. It emphasizes a reliance on prayer, the empowering of the Holy Spirit, and multiplication at every level. It is universal in application and can be implemented in any cultural setting, regardless of financial resources or ministry position.
All upcoming training dates are listed on the Apply page of our website.
Go to Apply page >
View our finance packet for more information on student contribution fees for each training event. The application fee for our in-person training is $25 USD (nonrefundable), and you are responsible for all travel expenses, including the cost of your visa and airfare. You can also view the value vs student contribution infographic here.
Your first step will be to fill out the “Training Application Form” here on our website. This will allow you to create your own personal account, which you can log back into and update at any time. Once you have paid the $25 USD application fee by credit card, you will then fill out the entire application form and complete the registration assignment. After reviewing your application, we will send you an email with your Invitation Letter and more information. Once you’ve been approved, your final steps will be to apply for a visa online, attend your visa interview at the nearest US Embassy, book your airline tickets for the travel dates we give you (if your visa is granted), send us confirmation of your visa and airfare, and submit student contribution fee payment via your online account. See finance packet for more info the student contribution fee.
Yes! If you are not able to travel to the US at this time or even if you plan to join us later, we would highly encourage you to enroll in our Online Academy to engage in this training. This self-paced program features recorded lessons from our training, accompanying chapters from our manual, online coaching support, and regional training opportunities within our network. You can also subscribe to our blog and podcast for devotional content and inspiring testimonies from the mission field.
Go to Online Academy >
We do hold shorter Vision-Casting Trainings in other countries periodically throughout the year. The Keystone Project instructors and team members cover their own travel expenses for these trainings overseas; however, the venue, accommodations, and other logistics are organized by the hosting organization and all attendees are responsible to pay for their registration and other fees directly with the host. When we have an upcoming training overseas that is open to the public, you can find more information on our newsletter and/or Facebook page.
The Keystone Project Internship is for university-age young adults (ages 18-24) who want to go deeper in their walk with Christ and give their lives for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. This internship is designed for hands-on learning, offering tools and experience needed to multiply disciples and impact the world. In the summer, the program combines intensive ministry training as well as employment. There is limited space available. If you are within that age range or if you would like to refer a young adult who would be a good fit for this program, please direct them to apply on the Internship page of our website.
Go to Internship page >
First, we would deeply appreciate your prayer support for our staff members, interns, training events, overseas trips, and our alumni who are multiplying disciples all over the world. You can stay up-to-date on what’s happening and ways to pray for us by following our newsletter and Facebook page. You may also want to prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner and supporting this mission through one-time or recurring donations on the Giving page of our website. Another way to partner with us in our mission is to help us spread the word, refer students that you think would be good candidates for our training, and direct them to apply on our website. Finally, once you have successfully completed the full training in Keystone, you can also explore other ways to partner with us, such as volunteering or coaching at future training events or hosting a Vision-Casting Training in your country. (Volunteers, coaches, and hosts are selected based on positions we need, the individual’s qualifications, and their faithfulness to implement what they learned in the training. Overseas trips also depend on our availability to travel.)
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The Great Commission was given over 2,000 years ago, and yet 42% of the world’s population remains unreached with the gospel of the kingdom. The remaining unreached people groups are unreached because they are the most resistant to the gospel and the most difficult to engage. The time has come to embrace a strategy that is biblical, Spirit-led, self-sustaining, and unstoppable, and that strategy is the launching of movements of multiplying disciples. We pray that God will use you mightily to reach the unreached around you, and we hope you will take advantage of this training to equip yourself for the work of the Great Commission.