2023 April Newsletter

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April 30, 2023

Greetings from The Keystone Project and All Our Disciples in the Nations!

When the angel Gabriel was sent by God to reveal to Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and she would conceive a son miraculously even though she was a virgin, he said to her, “For nothing will be impossible with God.” Mary responded, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:37-38). When we have a kairos – supernatural and revelatory – encounter with God, we know that whatever He is calling us to is not impossible. He will bring to pass that which He has spoken because He is not calling us to do something but revealing to us what He is doing. What was about to happen to Mary was something that Mary could not do herself. The conception of the Lord Jesus was a work of God’s Spirit in Mary’s life. Mary’s part was to believe God, not to try to do what only God Himself could do. She did not (and could not) make the conception of the child happen. She believed God, and her faith released the work of the Holy Spirit in her. God’s promises are not secured through human effort. If you believe God, your focus and affections will be on Him and not on His promises. I encourage you to turn your faith toward Him, believing that He is God and that He will bring to pass that which He has promised in your life. Our part in His work is to respond to Him with the words, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.”

In Jesus’ name!


  • Please continue to pray for our disciples around the world, especially those living and working in dangerous areas of persecution.
  • Pray for students who are applying to attend our training events, asking the Lord to send those whom He has chosen and prepared to attend.
  • Pray also for favor as they apply for US visas.
  • Pray for the financial success and growth of The Keystone Project and our hotel, the Rushmore Express Inn & Family Suites.
  • Pray for our new fundraising effort calling upon our supporters to sponsor an international student to attend one of our training programs. The cost is $1,200 per year ($100 per month) and will enable us to continue to provide our training at no cost to the students. You can find the details about this on our website (www.keystoneproject.org).  
  • Pray for our staff, who work so hard and have sacrificed so much to serve the Lord through the mission God has given to us.
  • Please pray also for the following ministry events:
    • August 22 - September 6 – Trip to India
    • October 2-27 – International Leaders’ Training
    • November (dates TBD) – Trip to Peru and Ecuador

If you would like to attend any of our training events, you can find the details on our website (www.keystoneproject.org). As always, this training is offered to all at no cost, including hotel and food. I hope to see you here!

We appreciate your prayers and support for these events, thanking the Lord for all of you and praying for His blessings in all that you do for His glory!

For God’s Glory,

Richard Greene,
President, The Keystone Project, Inc.

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