City Mission Teams

City Teams Update by Tim Hutchinson, L.A. Team Leader

March 2020 Newsletter We are so thankful for the way God has been working in Lee’s heart. In early December, Lee gave his life completely to the Lord for the first time! Lee is the first in his family to become a Christ follower.  This was his immediate response:– “I must tell my whole family…


Multi-Cultural Camp: Houston Team Update

One Houston team leader sent us a recent update on mission in the city. “In August, we hosted a multi-cultural camp where we were able to take 94 students, from over 10 people groups, from our neighborhoods and networks. Including our team, we had 25 laborers walking along side the students as we looked at…


Peru Update: Let the Little Children Come to Me

        God is calling disciples to Himself in Lima, Peru among a people group that is often forgotten. He is launching movements of disciples among the poor children of the city!   In these places there are no churches and the people do not receive any government support. Most people do not…


God is at Work!: Houston Team Update

Written by: Catherine Duran God is on the move in the city of Houston!   Our Houston team bachelors met with a friend named Xiao from China and shared the gospel with him recently. His family is Buddhist but he doesn’t really believe or follow that religion.  He was very curious about the things of…


Always On Mission: Update from Houston

One of our Houston team members, Keri sent us a recent update on mission in the city. “I took my disciple Truc, who speaks English and Vietnamese, on mission for the first time last night. This was her first time ever sharing the gospel! She translated to Than, another Vietnamese lady in our complex, as…


Crazy God Connections

Written by: Mirta Ireland-Pimentel So, I decided to surprise my family for Christmas. I traveled from SD to PA and showed up at my brother’s home, on Dec 24th, with homemade cookies and potato salad. My sister screamed and cried, my brother freaked out, and my father exclaimed “this is the best Christmas present ever.”…


Divine Appointments in Houston

Written By: Catherine Duran Truc, a Vietnamese college student met The Keystone Project team member, Keri, in the neighborhood of Houston where they both live. Recently, the two young moms, after a series of brief meetings, went walking together pushing strollers. Having found a common ground, Keri entered into conversation about Spiritual matters. Truc was raised…


Houston Mission Field

Hser Nay made the decision to run away from home at the age of 15, but after a week away, she decided that it was time to return home. Her family was frustrated and called one of our team leaders to step in and mediate because conversations were becoming tense. Our team has been ministering…


LA Team July Update

By God’s grace, we have been ministering to many nations in Southern California! We are in an area of Orange County called Westminster and in it, there are a great number of Vietnamese and Middle Eastern people here who have never heard the gospel of Jesus. We are grateful to God that he has allowed…